on the fragility of life...
"As for mortals, their days are like grass; they flourish like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more." Psalm 103:15-17 My father in law suffered a severe heart attack on Sunday evening, and went through a double bypass sugery yesterday morning, after the doctors discovered a 90% blockage in three of the 4 major arteries to his heart. Surgery was successful, and he is making a remarkable recovery--and will almost certainly continue to do so with a few not-so-enjoyable lifestyle changes. The surgeon also noted no signs of significant heart damage, which is fantastic. It is astounding, having seen him just a few hours before the attack, that he appeared perfectly healthy--though, considering the extent of the blockage, it could easily have been the last time we ever saw him. Praise God with us for health and success, and for all the ways He has shown His love for our family through this. Continue to pray for patience, for complete recovery, and for trust in God as there is still a long road ahead, particularly for my Father in law and his wife, who will be his primary caretaker when he is released from the hospital. Life is fragile. We are but a vapor, here only for a moment. It could so easily be my own dad attached to that ventilator, my mom, my sister, my Matt. Cherish each minute--this stuff is non-refundable. |
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